Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge

Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge 2022 Gallery

Team briefing before racing...Racing...Winning Ladies - Ella Dawson...Briefing area...owner out on the water!!...Lakeside view...Deputy Mayor of Wakefield, Cllr Josie Farrah (l), Deputy Mayoress, Cllr Melanie Jones enjoying the day with Nigel Patrick, last years Mayor of Kirklees who entered a team this year in support of the Kirkwood Hospice...The Open Country Charity team base...RACING! of the fancy dress teams...Wakefield Whirlwinds getting ready to race...Stuarts Big Kiss team base...A Dragon Boat makes a bid for freedom!!!...Putting their backs into it!...mayor at camel...Waiting to race...Kirkwood team base...Volunteer Marshals after the rush was over...Team bases...Team Engie (Equans) getting their trophy as best dressed team...DG with ladies team winners...One of the volunteers with his hearing dog...

Gallery 2024

Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge gallery photos 2024

Gallery 2023

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Gallery 2022

Pictures from the 2022 Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge

Gallery 2019

Pictures from the 2019 Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge

Gallery 2018

Pictures from the 2018 Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge

Gallery 2017

Pictures from the 2017 Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge

Gallery 2016

Pictures from the 2016 Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge

Gallery 2015

Pictures from the 2015 Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge

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Extra information on the dragon boat challenge



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